Garage Heating Options

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Garage Heat in Minneapolis and St. Paul Garages

Lets discuss the "why" you are heating you Minneapolis or St Paul Garage as this will determine the best heat source.

Flash Heating your Minnesota Garage means you'll likely only heat the garage several times during the cold season. In this case a hanging heater using gas or propane is probably the best route as it will allow you to quickly bring the garage to a usable temperature and maintain heat in a garage that is non insulated or poorly insulated. This is a quick but not efficient way to heat a garage long term so the use of a hanging heater in your garage is best

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Constant Temperature Heating of your garage means that you have planned for the garage project by insulating and venting the roof properly and intend to keep your Minneapolis St Paul Garage at a temperature of between 40 and 70 degrees.

In Floor Hydronic heat is a common term thrown out by many who aren't considering all of the variables in a tight garage space.

Hydronic heat requires a vent stack through the roof, a pump, the use of glycolin the lines, and natural gas or propane for heat, takes up valuable space in your garage, and requires several different trades to install.

RADIANT CEILING HEAT is our recommended and most preferred system as it costs less to install and operate than all of the alternatives. It is considered "green" as it is completely electric, it is: dustless, noiseless, doesn't require a vent stack, and takes up zero space in your garage.

The only trade required for this source of heat in your Minneapolis St Paul garage is an electrician.

Please see the following link to learn more about RADIANT HEAT PANELS TO HEAT YOUR GARAGE!